Department of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Places / Women Empowerment Cell

The Department of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Places and the Women Empowerment Cell at SCERT (State Council of Educational Research and Training) are typically established to create a safe and supportive environment for women employees and to ensure compliance with laws and policies aimed at preventing sexual harassment and promoting gender equality. Here are the typical roles and functions of these departments and cells:

Department of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Places

  1. Prevention:

    • Conduct awareness programs and workshops to educate employees about sexual harassment, its implications, and preventive measures.
    • Implement policies and guidelines to prevent incidents of sexual harassment.
  2. Redressal Mechanism:

    • Establish an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to handle complaints related to sexual harassment.
    • Ensure that complaints are addressed promptly, confidentially, and impartially.
    • Provide support to victims, including counseling and legal assistance if needed.
  3. Training and Capacity Building:

    • Train ICC members and other employees on handling complaints and understanding the nuances of sexual harassment.
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation:

    • Monitor the workplace environment to identify potential risks and areas of improvement.
    • Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of policies and procedures in place.

Women Empowerment Cell

  1. Advocacy and Awareness:

    • Promote gender equality and women's rights within the organization.
    • Conduct seminars, workshops, and campaigns to raise awareness about issues related to women's empowerment.
  2. Support and Development:

    • Provide platforms for women to voice their concerns and share their experiences.
    • Offer professional development programs, mentorship, and leadership training for women employees.
  3. Policy Development:

    • Develop and recommend policies that support women’s advancement in the workplace.
    • Ensure that the organization's policies are inclusive and supportive of women's needs.
  4. Networking and Collaboration:

    • Facilitate networking opportunities for women within and outside the organization.
    • Collaborate with other organizations and bodies working towards women’s empowerment.
  5. Research and Data Collection:

    • Conduct research to identify challenges faced by women employees and develop strategies to address them.
    • Collect and analyze data to monitor the progress of women’s empowerment initiatives.

Implementation at SCERT

At SCERT, these cells work towards ensuring a conducive work environment for women employees, promoting gender equality in educational research and training, and supporting women’s professional growth and development. The key activities include:

  • Organizing training sessions on gender sensitivity and sexual harassment for staff and faculty.
  • Setting up a robust mechanism for reporting and addressing complaints of sexual harassment.
  • Creating mentorship programs to support women in leadership roles.
  • Conducting regular audits and surveys to assess the workplace environment and identify areas for improvement.
  • Collaborating with educational institutions and organizations to promote best practices in gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Coordinator and Team Members

Sr. No.
Ms. Veena Thakur
Smt. Ritu Puri
Smt. Monika Sharma
Smt. Kanta Devi