The National Population Education Project (NPEP) being implemented by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) through 36 SCERTs SIEs /Directorates of Education in States UTs and 5 RIEs is funded by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
NPEP work plan focuses on the following thrust areas:
A. Integration of Population Education Concerns:
(1) Population and Sustainable Development
(2) Gender Equality, Equity and Empowerment of Women
(3) Adolescence Education
(4) Family: Socio-economic Factors and Quality of Life
(5) Health, Nutrition and Education: Key Determinants of Population Change
(6)Population Distribution: Urbanization and Migration in the Content and
Process of School Education and Teacher Education
B. Integration of Concerns of Ayushman Bharat School Health and Wellness Programme:
(1) Growing up Healthy
(2) Emotional Well-being and Mental Health
(3) Interpersonal Relationships
(4) Values and Citizenship
(5) Gender Equality
(6) Nutrition, Health and Sanitation
(7) Prevention and Management of Substance Misuse
(8) Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
(9) Reproductive Health and HIV Prevention
(10) Safety and Security against Violence and Injuries
(11) Promotion of Safe Use of Internet and Social Media Behaviour in the Content
and Process of School Education, Pre-service and In-service Teacher Education Courses, Adult Literacy and other Innovative Educational Programmes
C. Incorporation of measures to prevent stigma and discrimination against learners/students and educators and ensure access to life skills education. Various kinds of activities are planned and conducted with a view to realizing above thrust of NPEP. The major categories of activities are: 
(i) Material Development
(ii) Advocacy
(iii) Training
(iv) Curricular Activities
(v) Research and Evaluation
(vi) Publications
(vii) Monitoring

2. Coordinator, Asstt. Coordinator & Team Members

Sr. No.
Smt. Shailja Thakur
Project Coordinator
Dr. Triveni Sharma
Asstt. Project Coordinator
Smt. Seema Sharma
Sh. Anil Kumar